The media most likes drama and disruption. They don't want "slow news days".
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
The media most likes drama and disruption. They don't want "slow news days".
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Finkelstein, your hypothetical situation has several flaws. Through no fault of your own since you don't seem familiar with nuclear weapons.
First, any bomb that ISIS might get would be in the kiloton range (1 kiloton = 1,000 toms of tnt). That would not be able to kill 10 million people; it would not even be able to destroy all of Manhattan with a population of 1.6 million. Hundreds of thousands maybe.
You also underestimate our ability to find out a lot through forensics as to the origin of said devices. They can be traced back to its country of origin because the radioactive residues of Uranium have their own particular radioisotope "fingerprint" depending on who produced it.
There are much easier ways of wreaking havoc, which I won't detail, that can kill thousands without any explosion. It would be a ridiculously small weapon whose raw material is easily available. It's a good thing that these terrorists have little imagination; they'd be much more effective if they did.
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Whatever those dastardly liberal media said was in response to what Republicans were saying. That is not a contribution to polarization, it's a mere response to the polarizers.
One thing Republicans don't have is a sense of responsibility. They simply cannot own up to their actions and instead blame the victim.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Harris explored the hypothetical situation where an Islamic state obtained long-range nuclear weapons.
You cannot eliminate ISIS with a nuclear bomb. Eliminate the bomb perhaps but not the organization. Also, they would have to experiment dozens of times in order to get a reliable ICBM with a functioning nuke. That can be dealt with by non-nuclear means long before it's completed.
North Korea, which continues to develop its short range missile technology has yet to miniaturize its nukes so that they can fit into a missile of any size or range.
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Let us remember that the polarization in the US started decades ago with conservative hate radio and Fox news. Conservatives started it.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Good news: Trump is relying on Pence to do his job.
Bad news: Trump is relying on Pence to do his job.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Never a jw, were you referring to me when you said Vidiot?
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
"absolute jack ass" - Correct.
"liar that can only be found in a mental hospital" Incorrect. There are many liars, on his level, who are not in any mental institution.
"an awful person" Correct.
anybody know how many members are on this site?
i am only a few days new and have read a lot and have received responses and have made a few posts.
i am just curious is there like around 100 or 1000 active posters a month?
Ask Simon. He may be able to give you some info.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Fulltimestudent, when Trump says things like that its because his advisors have goaded him into saying it.